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Outdoor Gear
(5,648 products)Products (5648)
- Camping and Hiking (4714)
- Camp Kitchen (1119)
- Sleeping Gear (598)
- Tents (519)
- Hiking Backpacks (491)
- Health and Safety (407)
- Sunglasses (364)
- Camp Electronics (362)
- Camp Hydration (343)
- Gadgets (296)
- Camp Furniture (239)
- Gear Storage and Maintenance (222)
- Camp Lighting (130)
- Dog Gear (105)
- Stewardship (3)
- Watersports (781)
- Paddling Accessories (14)
- Kayaking (3)
- Paddling Clothing (1)
- PFDs (1)
- Packs and Bags (610)
- Packs (576)
- Bags (27)
- Packing Organizers (23)
- Stuff Sacks (22)
- Luggage (8)
- Electronics (413)
- Fitness Electronics (115)
- Watches (91)
- Portable Power (83)
- GPS Systems (76)
- Action Cameras (68)
- Music Devices (66)
- Emergency Electronics (37)
- Radios (21)
- Photography (16)
- Mapping Software (6)
- Fitness (389)
- Footwear (384)
- Boots (265)
- Women's Footwear (175)
- Men's Footwear (103)
- Footwear Accessories (61)
- Hiking Footwear (34)
- Shoes (33)
- Kids' Footwear (27)
- Socks (25)
- Snowsports (280)
- Snow Gear (169)
- Skiing (120)
- Snowboarding (118)
- Downhill Skiing (108)
- Snow Clothing (76)
- Snowshoeing (50)
- Backcountry Skiing (40)
- Cross-Country Skiing (7)
- Cycling (241)
- Cycling Backpacks and Bags (128)
- Cycling Clothing (105)
- Bike Accessories (6)
- Bike Parts (4)
- Men's Clothing (239)
- Men's Jackets (109)
- Men's Bottoms (28)
- Men's Pants (28)
- Men's Tops (28)
- Men's Shirts (19)
- Men's Swimwear (4)
- Men's Vests (3)
- Women's Clothing (228)
- Women's Jackets (125)
- Women's Bottoms (22)
- Women's Pants (22)
- Women's Tops (13)
- Women's Shirts (9)
- Women's Swimwear (3)
- Women's Vests (2)
- Climbing (142)
- Mountaineering Gear (62)
- Climbing Shoes (33)
- Webbing and Cords (32)
- Climbing Essentials (18)
- Chalk and Chalk Bags (11)
- Climbing Training (11)
- Climbing Packs (6)
- Travel Gear (129)
- Travel Accessories (52)
- Packing Organizers (23)
- Photography (16)
- Day Bags and Packs (15)
- Travel Sleep Accessories (15)
- Laptop Bags (10)
- Luggage (8)
- Kids' Clothing (73)
- Kids' Jackets (45)
- Kids' Pants (18)
- Kids' Shirts (3)
- Car Racks (66)
- Car Rack Accessories (39)
- Garage Storage (29)
- Watercraft Racks (28)
- Lifestyle and Gifts (57)
- Games and Toys (27)
- Picnicking (11)
- Home and Cabin Decor (9)
- Holiday (6)
- Keychains (6)
- Patches and Pins (4)
- Books and Maps (6)
- Maps (6)
- Top Rated (1515)
- Made in USA (894)
- Waterproof (684)
- New Arrivals (474)
- Insulated (456)
- Reservoir Compatible (396)
- BPA Free (390)
- Hipbelt Pockets (281)
- Ultralight (254)
- Polarized (246)
- Gluten Free (221)
- Adjustable Torso Length (206)
- Vegetarian (178)
- Vegan (169)
- Non-GMO (134)
- Bite Valve Shut-off Switch (112)
- Suspended Mesh Back Panel (110)
- Water-Resistant Down (103)
- Sleeping Bag Compartment (99)
- Raincover Included (98)
- Repair Kit Included (98)
- Locking Blade (90)
- Collapsible (84)
- Fits In Cup Holder (81)
- Packable (78)
- Compass (76)
- Wireless (65)
- One-Handed Opening (62)
- Quick Drying (62)
- Moisture Wicking (61)
- Tracks Steps (61)
- Can Be Resoled (57)
- Smart Device Notifications (56)
- Armrests (55)
- HRM Included/Integrated (55)
- Sleep Tracking (55)
- Swimming Functions (55)
- Tracks Distance (54)
- Tracks Speed (54)
- Cycling Functions (53)
- Tracks Calories Burned (53)
- VO2 Max Estimate (52)
- Wireless Sync (50)
- Cup Holder (49)
- Biodegradable (48)
- Pulse Oximeter (48)
- Solar-Powered (48)
- Footprint Included (46)
- Programmable Routes (46)
- 2-Way Zipper (44)
- Field Cleanable (42)
- Organic (39)
- Sun-Protective Fabric (39)
- Volume Control (37)
- Regulated Output (36)
- Interchangeable Lenses (34)
- Battery Included (33)
- Solar Compatible (33)
- Auto Ignition (32)
- Wearable (32)
- Merino Wool (31)
- Puffy (30)
- Red Light Mode (30)
- RECCO Reflector (28)
- Lap Timer (26)
- Fogproof (23)
- Inflatable (22)
- Powder Skirt (22)
- Wide-Mouth Opening (22)
- Weather Resistant (21)
- Quick Disconnect Tubing (20)
- Award Winner (19)
- Photochromic (19)
- Thumbholes (19)
- Multiple Burials (18)
- Marking Function (17)
- Padded (17)
- Reflective (16)
- Integrated System (13)
- Removable Daypack (13)
- Side Cargo Pockets (12)
- Rocking (11)
- Image Stabilization (10)
- Laptop Compartment (10)
- Reclining (10)
- Touch-Screen Compatible (10)
- Bibs (9)
- Foldable (9)
- Hands Free (9)
- Color Screen (8)
- High Definition (8)
- Still Mode (8)
- Wheeled (8)
- Wireless Communication (8)
- Carry-On (7)
- Declination Scale (7)
- Electric (7)
- Expandable Memory (7)
- Declination Adjustment (6)
- Insect Repellent (6)
- Preloaded Geocaches (6)
- Shock Absorbing (6)
- Weather Forecast (6)
- Backpack Straps (5)
- Compression Straps (5)
- Earflaps (5)
- Remote Control (5)
- Warmer Pockets (5)
- Sighting Mirror (4)
- Altimeter/Barometer Lock (3)
- Ascent/Descent Rate (3)
- Clinometer (3)
- Elevation Gain/Loss (3)
- Floating (3)
- Camera Mount (2)
- Glove Leash (2)
- Goggles Wipe (2)
- Touch Screen (2)
- User Replaceable Battery (2)
- 3-in-1 Jacket (1)
- Checkpoint-Friendly (1)
- Compression (1)
- Custom Points of Interest (1)
- Emergency Siren (1)
- Lane Assist (1)
- Removable Sleeves (1)
- Tide Tracking (1)
- Big Agnes (154)
- Gregory (105)
- MSR (105)
- NEMO (93)
- Osprey (196)
- REI Co-op (235)
- Sea to Summit (182)
- 45NRTH (1)
- absoluteBLACK (1)
- ACR Electronics (4)
- adidas (1)
- Adler German Axes (4)
- Adventure Medical Kits (18)
- Adventure Ready (10)
- Aerobie (4)
- AeroPress (9)
- After Bite (1)
- AKU (3)
- Albanese (2)
- All Terrain (1)
- Alpine Mountain Gear (12)
- Alpine Start (8)
- AlpineAire Foods (28)
- ALPS Mountaineering (34)
- Alter Eco (3)
- Altra (1)
- Amphipod (5)
- Aquamira (1)
- Aquatabs (2)
- Arc'teryx (16)
- Artilect (2)
- Asolo (4)
- Atomicchild (1)
- Aurelle (1)
- Austin Hangers (1)
- Backcountry Access (8)
- Backpacker's Pantry (25)
- Backseat Bivy (1)
- Badger (21)
- Baffin (9)
- Barebones (1)
- Bark (2)
- Beal (1)
- BearVault (4)
- Ben's (8)
- Benchmade (55)
- BGDB (1)
- Big Agnes (154)
- BioLite (29)
- Black Diamond (65)
- Blenders Eyewear (9)
- BLUE ICE (1)
- BlueWater (8)
- Bobo's Oat Bars (6)
- Bodyglide (6)
- Bogg Bag (1)
- Bogs (81)
- Bontrager (1)
- BOTE (3)
- Bottle Bright (2)
- Boulder Gear (62)
- Brunton (3)
- Bug Bam! (1)
- BUG BITE thing (1)
- Burley (1)
- Burt's Bees (4)
- C Crane (4)
- Caddis (6)
- Cadence (5)
- CamelBak (69)
- Camp Chef (1)
- Camp Craft Cocktails (1)
- CAMP Eyewear (22)
- Campsuds (2)
- Cascade First Aid (2)
- Casio (22)
- CEP (4)
- CGear Multimats (5)
- Chamois Butt'r (4)
- Chums (20)
- Clean Camp (1)
- Cleanwaste (5)
- Clif (5)
- CLIQ (1)
- Club Ride (2)
- Coast (23)
- COBA (2)
- COCOON (11)
- Coghlan's (27)
- Coleman (48)
- Columbia (27)
- COROS (6)
- COSTA (1)
- Cotopaxi (12)
- Counter Assault (7)
- Country Archer Jerky Co. (9)
- Craft (3)
- Crazy Creek (6)
- CreekKooler (1)
- Creekside Mallow (1)
- Croakies (9)
- Cross Point Gear (2)
- Cure Hydration (2)
- Cycle Dog (3)
- DAKINE (4)
- Danner (3)
- Delkin Devices (2)
- Deuter (35)
- Disc-O-Bed (3)
- DJI (4)
- DMOS Collective (2)
- Dometic (24)
- Dr. Bronner's (7)
- Dragon (4)
- DryGuy (4)
- EcoFlow (10)
- Elakai Ltd. (3)
- Electra (1)
- Electric (8)
- EMU Australia (2)
- Energizer (22)
- ENO (39)
- Esbit (4)
- Eureka (7)
- EVOC (3)
- Exped (54)
- Fenix (11)
- Firepot (1)
- Fjallraven (9)
- Flipfuel (1)
- Flylow (8)
- FOAM (1)
- Fogtech (1)
- Foot Kinetics (1)
- Fox (5)
- Fox 40 (1)
- Fozzils (3)
- Free Country (5)
- Freshette (1)
- FrictionLabs (1)
- FUBUKI (4)
- Full Windsor (4)
- Garmin (56)
- Gazelle (8)
- GCI Outdoor (25)
- Gear Aid (31)
- Gerber (30)
- Geyser Systems (3)
- GivePet (3)
- Goal Zero (24)
- gogglesoc (2)
- GOOD TO-GO (18)
- goodr (28)
- GoPro (40)
- Grangers (9)
- Grayl (7)
- Greatland Laser (1)
- Gregory (105)
- GSI Outdoors (70)
- GU (11)
- Guyot Designs (1)
- Hammond's Candies (5)
- Happy Bottom (1)
- HART Outdoor (7)
- heat it (1)
- Heather's Choice (6)
- Helinox (17)
- Hello! I'm Ugly (2)
- Helly Hansen (49)
- Hennessy Hammock (5)
- Herschel Supply Co. (2)
- Herzog (1)
- HEST (15)
- Hestra Gloves (1)
- HiBAR (5)
- Hiker Coffee (1)
- Hillsound (3)
- Honey Stinger (13)
- Hotronic (3)
- Hults Bruk (5)
- humangear (26)
- Hydaway (4)
- HydraPak (20)
- Hydro Flask (54)
- Hyperice (1)
- Hyperlite Mountain Gear (5)
- ICEBUG (10)
- IceMule (5)
- Igloo (11)
- Ignik (17)
- iKamper (7)
- InfinityLab (10)
- Insta360 (22)
- Itacate (2)
- Iwatani (1)
- Jackery (6)
- JBL (24)
- Jelly Belly (10)
- Jetboil (23)
- Julbo (14)
- Kahtoola (12)
- Kamik (29)
- Kammok (17)
- Kari Traa (1)
- Katadyn (14)
- Kate's Real Food (7)
- KEEN (8)
- Kelty (38)
- kin+kind (4)
- Klean Kanteen (11)
- Klymit (5)
- Knockaround (14)
- Komperdell (20)
- Korkers (4)
- Kovea (1)
- KUHL (5)
- Kuju Coffee (2)
- Kula Cloth (1)
- La Sportiva (36)
- Le Creuset (3)
- Leatherman (13)
- Ledlenser (9)
- Leki (32)
- Lenny & Larry's (2)
- Liberty Mountain (2)
- LifeSaver (2)
- LifeStraw (18)
- Lightning Nugget (1)
- Lodge (21)
- Loucks (3)
- Lowa (7)
- LuminAID (6)
- Mammut (46)
- Manduka (2)
- Manitobah (2)
- Marmot (61)
- Matador (14)
- Maui Jim (39)
- Maxim (2)
- Mazama Designs (1)
- Metolius (5)
- Midland (6)
- Milo (4)
- Mombasa (1)
- Mons Royale (2)
- Monster (6)
- Morrison Outdoors (2)
- Motorola (6)
- Mountain Equipment (16)
- Mountain Hardwear (75)
- Mountain House (32)
- Mountain Summit Gear (21)
- Mountaineers Books (1)
- Mountainsmith (18)
- Mr. Heater (2)
- MSR (105)
- Muck Boot (3)
- Muir Energy (1)
- Murphy's Naturals (7)
- Nalgene (5)
- Nathan (10)
- Natrapel (2)
- NEMO (93)
- Neso (12)
- Nikon (17)
- Nikwax (19)
- Nite Ize (51)
- No Rinse (1)
- Nocs Provisions (15)
- Nomad Nutrition (6)
- Nomadix (9)
- Noso (3)
- NRS (31)
- Nutshell Coolers (1)
- NUUN (10)
- O'NEILL Sunglasses (9)
- Oakley (13)
- Oboz (7)
- Ocean Bottle (4)
- OliCamp (13)
- OllyDog (3)
- Ooni Pizza Ovens (6)
- Opinel (4)
- Ortovox (1)
- Osprey (196)
- Ostroy (4)
- OtterBox (1)
- Outdoor Afro + REI Co-op (3)
- outdoor element (9)
- Outdoor Products (3)
- Outdoor Research (49)
- Outside Inside (10)
- Outside Safe Space (1)
- OvaEasy (1)
- Owala (8)
- OXO (22)
- PackTowl (3)
- PACT Outdoors (6)
- Paleblue (3)
- Parks Project (1)
- Patagonia (36)
- Peak Design (15)
- Pear's Snacks (1)
- PEARL iZUMi (9)
- Pepper's (2)
- Pescavore (1)
- Petzl (12)
- Picture Organic Clothing (3)
- Pipcorn (3)
- Plant People (2)
- Platypus (16)
- PMI (7)
- Polar (3)
- Portland Design Works (1)
- Portland Pet Food Company (1)
- Potable Aqua (2)
- Primus (15)
- Prism Designs (5)
- Pro-Tec Athletics (9)
- PROBAR (3)
- Puffin (9)
- Purist (5)
- Quantum Energy Squares (1)
- Quitch (2)
- Rab (3)
- Ranger Chocolate (2)
- Rapha (8)
- Raw Elements (6)
- Ray-Ban (10)
- REI Co-op (235)
- Reima (11)
- Reliance (8)
- resqme (1)
- Rhino Skin Solutions (5)
- Ripton (1)
- RockTape (2)
- Rolla Roaster (1)
- RotopaX (3)
- Ruffwear (50)
- Rugged Road (5)
- Rumpl (15)
- RUX (1)
- Saalt (2)
- Salewa (2)
- SallyeAnder (3)
- Salomon (4)
- SaltStick (4)
- Sawyer (14)
- Scarpa (7)
- Scepter (4)
- Scrubba (1)
- Sea to Summit (182)
- Sealskinz (3)
- Seirus (1)
- Sherpa Adventure Gear (21)
- Shimano (3)
- Shoe Goo (1)
- Shokz (11)
- Showers Pass (3)
- SIDAS (6)
- Sierra Designs (13)
- SILKY (10)
- Skratch Labs (6)
- Skullcandy (23)
- Smartwool (9)
- Smelly Proof (3)
- Smith (55)
- SMRT Tent (1)
- Snow Peak (58)
- So iLL (1)
- SOL (19)
- SOLELY (5)
- Solo Stove (3)
- Sorel (13)
- Soto (8)
- Speedy Stitcher (3)
- Sperry Top-Sider (1)
- SPOT (3)
- Sprayway (7)
- Spring Energy (1)
- Squirrels Nut Butter (5)
- Stanley (34)
- Sterling (8)
- Stormy Kromer (1)
- Sun Bum (10)
- Suncloud (39)
- Sunday Afternoons (4)
- Sunski (28)
- Suunto (20)
- Sven-Saw (2)
- Sweaty Betty (1)
- Swiss Army (13)
- Tahoe Trail Bar (1)
- Tailwind Nutrition (8)
- TEAR-AID (1)
- Tecnu (2)
- Terry (2)
- Teva (2)
- The Cocktail Box Co. (1)
- The North Face (85)
- the TICK PATROL (1)
- Theo Chocolate (2)
- Therm-a-Rest (40)
- Therm-ic (4)
- Thermacell (11)
- TheTentLab (2)
- Think Jerky (4)
- Thinksport (5)
- Thread Wallets (2)
- Thule (15)
- Tifosi (33)
- Timex (13)
- Tiny Tents (1)
- TOAKS (19)
- Tony's Chocolonely (2)
- Trail Butter (3)
- Trailtopia (17)
- Trekmates (3)
- TYR (3)
- UCO (27)
- Ultimate Direction (3)
- UltrAspire (7)
- Umbo (1)
- Ursack (6)
- ust (1)
- Vans (6)
- Vargo (2)
- Veer (2)
- Verve (2)
- Vitalyte (1)
- Western Mountaineering (7)
- Whistles for LIFE (1)
- White Duck Outdoors (4)
- Wild One (8)
- Wild Rye (3)
- Wild Zora (5)
- Wildway (1)
- Wolfgang Man & Beast (10)
- WoolAid (2)
- Xero Shoes (2)
- XTRATUF (24)
- Yakima (29)
- Yaktrax (5)
- Yellowbird (4)
- YES Bar (1)
- YETI (79)
- Zamberlan (2)
- Zempire (19)
- Zippo (13)
- Zoic (7)
- ZOLEO (2)
- Men's (609)
- Women's (736)
- Unisex (998)
- Boys' (115)
- Girls' (114)
- Kids' (104)
- Toddler Boys' (28)
- Toddler Girls' (28)
- Toddlers' (28)
- Infant Boys' (6)
- Infant Girls' (6)
- Infants' (6)
- Camping (1588)
- Backpacking (1330)
- Multisport (902)
- Casual (697)
- Hiking (617)
- Snowsports (176)
- Travel (165)
- Cycling (136)
- Mountaineering (98)
- Emergency Preparedness (90)
- Running (90)
- Mountain Biking (89)
- Downhill Skiing (55)
- Watersports (54)
- Snowboarding (53)
- Climbing (47)
- Trail Running (42)
- Rock Climbing (34)
- Supply & Repair (31)
- Paddling (29)
- Backcountry Skiing (28)
- Fishing (25)
- Wildlife Viewing (23)
- Photography (22)
- Walking (21)
- Bikepacking (18)
- Fitness (16)
- Navigating (16)
- Recreational Cycling (11)
- Birding (6)
- Rafting (6)
- Road Cycling (5)
- Swimming (5)
- Splitboarding (4)
- Working (4)
- Yoga (4)
- Paddle Boarding (3)
- Cross-country Skiing (2)
- Scuba Diving (2)
- Triathlon (2)
- Bike Commuting (1)
- Ice Climbing (1)
- Kayaking (1)
- Snowshoeing (1)
- 0 to 0.49 (1600)
- 0.5 to 0.99 (611)
- 1 to 1.49 (420)
- 1.50 to 2.99 (776)
- 3 to 4.99 (482)
- 5 to 7.99 (241)
- 8 to 11.99 (136)
- 12 to 19.99 (111)
- 20 to 29.99 (56)
- 30 to 49.99 (32)
- 50 to 74.99 (16)
- 75 to 99.99 (4)
- 100 to 1000 (11)
- Deals (1220)
- $0.00 to $9.99 (529)
- $10.00 to $19.99 (616)
- $20.00 to $49.99 (1119)
- $50.00 to $99.99 (1190)
- $100.00 to $199.99 (1168)
- $200.00 to $499.99 (940)
- $500.00 to $749.99 (134)
- $750.00 to $999.99 (44)
- $1000.00 to $1999.99 (34)
- $2000.00 to $5000.00 (8)
Sort: Best Match
Garminfenix 8 AMOLED Sapphire
$1,100.00 - $1,200.00(50)- Top Rated
Arc'teryxBeta SL Jacket - Men's
$350.93 - $500.00(22) GoProHERO13 Black Specialty Bundle
$400.00(0)- Top Rated
ExpedDura 5R Duo Sleeping Pad
$249.95(8) - Top Rated
Arc'teryxBeta SL Jacket - Women's
$350.93 - $500.00(35) GarminMARQ Gen 2 Adventurer
$2,100.00(7)Arc'teryxBeta Coat - Women's
$480.93 - $600.00(10)REI Co-opRainier Rain Jacket - Men's
$49.83 - $99.95(119)PatagoniaTorrentshell 3L Jacket - Women's
$124.93 - $179.00(154)PatagoniaTorrentshell 3L Jacket - Men's
$124.93 - $179.00(172)GarmininReach Mini 2
$400.00(745)- Top Rated
outdoor elementFirebiner
$14.95(49) Garminvivoactive 5
$300.00(755)- Top Rated
Nite IzeMoonLit LED Micro Lantern
$11.00(101) - Top Rated
GSI OutdoorsRakau Knife Set
$89.95(35) Arc'teryxAlpha SV Jacket - Men's
$900.00(88)- Top Rated
REI Co-opTrailgate Gear Cube
$24.95 - $34.95(10) REI Co-opTrail 25 Pack
$99.95(72)- Top Rated
JetboilFlash Cooking System
$129.95(747) - Top Rated
Arc'teryxBeta Jacket - Men's
$400.00(28) - New arrival
GarminInstinct 3 Solar
$400.00 - $450.00(3) Garminfenix 8 Solar Sapphire
$1,100.00 - $1,200.00(7)ExpedWidget Pump
$29.83Save 40%compared to  $49.95(58)GarminVenu 3S
$450.00(263)- Top Rated
$229.00(40) - Top Rated
Arc'teryxBeta AR Jacket - Men's
$480.93 - $600.00(141) - Top Rated
GarminForerunner 965
$600.00(472) - Top Rated
GarminForerunner 265
$450.00(264) - Top Rated
NEMOTensor All-Season Ultralight Insulated Sleeping Pad
$199.95 - $229.95(163) - Top Rated
GarminEnduro 3
1–30 of 5,648 products
Sort: Best Match
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Buying used outdoor gear and clothing saves money and keeps it out of landfills. Learn about resellers, shopping tips and how to sell your own gear.
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Learn what outdoor gear and clothes make the best gifts, what to avoid when buying used and how to gift secondhand items with care.
Read full article: The Etiquette of Giving Used Outdoor Gear and Apparel
What are the environmental impacts of making clothing and gear? We explain what they are and how brands work to reduce those impacts.
Read full article: How to Understand Clothing and Gear Sustainability Features