Look inside this handy paddling guidebook to find descriptions, directions, GPS coordinates for put-ins and takeouts, and maps with access points and landmarks throughout Maryland and Washington, DC.
- Also includes difficulty levels, current pull, rapids and other hazards, full-color photos, gear and packing recommendations, historical tidbits and local information
- Author: Jeff Lowman
- Softcover; 255 pages; color photos and maps
- Rowman & Littlefield; copyright 2015
Made in USA.
The natural waterways of Maryland and Washington, DC, hold a wealth of great paddling options throughout the year. 'Paddling Maryland and Washington, DC' features 50 trips on creeks, rivers, lakes and even Chesapeake Bay for avid paddlers and floaters. Choose from the likes of the Susquehanna River to a St. Martin River paddle that ends at the doorstep of Ocean City to the Monocacy National Battlefield Waterway or even the District's historic C & O Canal. Whether it's a half-day, full-day, or a longer trip, it's easy to select the perfect paddle.
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