A young person wearing a bike helmet enjoys time outside in nature.
8,561people took action

Outdoor Equity

Outside in 5

Tell Congress to support more trails, trees and parks nearby, for all of us.

Cooperative Action Network

Over 100 million of us don't have access to nature close to home. Together, we can change that.

Known as the nature gap, this disparity shapes which neighborhoods enjoy a healthy tree canopy, and which are surrounded by concrete highways. It determines who has safe trails and protected bike lanes to get around town, and who faces a more treacherous journey. Which kids see uninspired asphalt outside their classroom windows, and which see vibrant green places. These realities shape everything – from our mental and physical health to the safety of our community, exposure to pollution to economic development, and so much more.

Everyone deserves to opt outside. But not everyone can. So we’re on a mission to ensure everyone in the U.S. lives within 5 minutes of parks, trails and quality time outside—and we need your help to get the job done.

Right now, Congress can make huge strides by supporting:

  • The TREES Act;

  • Green schoolyards; and

  • Better trails to bike, walk and run.

Join us in telling Congress to close the nature gap, for good.