Beloved by locals and admired by adventurers nationwide, the Blue Ridge Mountains boast pristine wilderness, iconic Appalachian backcountry, and limitless tranquility. On this overnight backpacking class, we'll explore meandering trails and scenic overlooks while keeping an eye out for the critters that call this area home. We'll spend the night at a secluded campsite near a cascading stream. Along the way we'll discuss the essentials of backpacking, including setting up a proper campsite, loading a pack correctly, filtering water, and camp cooking techniques. We'll also offer insight into the region's history and ecosystem. This trip is perfect for both first-time backpackers and those with previous experience. We love exploring the Blue Ridge area and we know you will too! All necessary backpacking gear is provided, along with dinner, breakfast, hot beverages and plenty of trail snacks to fuel you on this adventure!