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Neck Gaiters

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Neck Gaiters

Neck gaiters are a piece of clothing designed to offer coverage and warmth for your neck and face. They can help protect from the cold and wind, as well as offer UV protection. Sewn into a tube, they sit around your neck and can be pulled up over your mouth and nose for more coverage. They're popular for cold weather hiking and running, as well as skiing and snowboarding.

Choosing a Neck Gaiter

When shopping for a neck gaiter, think about what you really hope to get out of it. If you're looking for protection from the wind and cold, look for thicker, warmer materials. If you plan to work up a sweat, look for breathable fabrics that don't retain odor like wool. Nylon and polyester are common choices because they effectively wick moisture and dry quickly.

Some neck gaiters are design with a form fit. Others are simple tubes that can be worn in a variety of different ways. They come in an enormous selection of patterns, from plain black or gray, to vibrant designs and patterns.

If you're looking for more coverage for your whole head, consider a balaclava. See all sun-protective clothing.

Why Shop at REI

At the Co-op, we carry neck gaiters from top brands like Buff and Smartwool. Members receive a dividend on purchases and access to exclusive products and events.