A public transit line runs through a scenic tree lined path enjoyed by bikers and joggers.
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Outdoor Equity

Help Pass the Transit to Trails Act

Public parks are for everyone, not just those with cars.

Cooperative Action Network

Helping everyone connect to parks and green spaces

Transportation represents one of the biggest barriers to time in nature. In rural and urban communities alike, individuals without cars or living in neighborhoods lacking public transit simply cannot reach the public lands and spaces that were established for all Americans to enjoy.The Transit to Trails Act would tackle this disparity by establishing a grant program to fund accessible transportation systems in areas of the country with the highest need so that access to public lands is more equitable and convenient for all. This bill:
  • Prioritizes low-or zero-emissions vehicles;
  • Prioritizes projects that provide free and discounted rates for low-income riders; and
  • Ensures that all funded transportation connectors and routes are accessible to people with disabilities.
We need more Congressional champions to throw their support behind this important legislation.

Take action today and urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor the Transit to Trails Act.