A creek runs through Big Bend Ranch State Park
468people took action

Places We Love

VICTORY: Texas Centennial Parks Conservation Fund

Thank you for voting YES for Proposition 14 to secure new parks for future generations of Texans to explore and enjoy.

Cooperative Action Network

We voted YES for the Future of Texas State Parks.

No matter where you live in Texas – from the big city to rural areas – we all benefit from having natural areas, state parks, clean water, and wildlife habitat. 

Yet today, Texas ranks 35th in the nation for State Park acreage per capita. In honor of the Texas State Park system’s 100th anniversary, a ballot measure—the Creation of the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund—was passed to protect our quality of life so future generations can enjoy our land, water, and natural beauty at a time when our existing state parks face overcrowding and increasing pressures. This $1 billion fund will help secure new parks and expand existing ones, all without increasing taxes for Texans.

REI is proud to join the Texas Coalition for State Parks alongside 90 organizations representing land and water conservation, business, agriculture, sportsmen, and wildlife in support of Proposition 14. Thanks to you, the voters of Texas, we can protect the Lone Star State’s last remaining natural areas and secure the future of Texas State Parks. 

Thank you for supporting the creation of the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund.

Paid for by Recreational Equipment, Inc.