Cheerful, young people gathered outdoors wrapped together in the American flag
12,238people took action

Outdoor Equity

Tell Congress to Protect Our Right to Vote

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and Freedom to Vote Act protect our fundamental right to vote.

Cooperative Action Network

No law should take this away from us.

Every election is a chance to create the change we want to see in our world. Ultimately, we cannot tackle any of the challenges before us – climate change, threats to our lands and waters, or inequitable access to the outdoors – without our fundamental right to vote. Voting is how we bring the power of the outdoors to the polls.

Today, millions of Americans face a rising tide of discriminatory voting laws and practices. These disproportionately prevent communities of color, Native American and Alaska Native communities, people with disabilities, students, the elderly, and other eligible voters from exercising their right and their freedom to vote. At the same time, attempts to interfere in our elections have raised fears around the future of our democracy. 

Together, these trends represent some of the more dangerous and aggressive attacks on the right to vote we have seen in a long time. That's why we invite you to join collective efforts to secure our elections and ensure every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote.

Urge Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and Freedom to Vote Act today.