A southwestern canyon landscape in daytime.
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Places We Love

VICTORY: The Bureau of Land Management finalizes Public Lands Rule that supports healthy landscapes and recreation.

On April 18, 2024, thanks to you, the BLM announced an update to its regulations designed to ensure healthy landscapes across the 245 million acres of federal lands under the BLM.

Cooperative Action Network

The Power of Cooperative Action.

Cooperative action for our shared love of the outdoors makes things happen. Thanks to the over 6,500 of you who supported the Public Lands Rule through the Cooperative Action Network, we were able to tell the BLM the importance of establishing these new management practices as a vital public use of BLM lands.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages 1 in 10 acres of land in the United States. Previously, only 15% of BLM lands were protected for conservation or recreation. 

But climate-driven pressures like severe drought and wildfires, invasive pests, habitat loss and more make it clear: we cannot continue to manage these lands as we've done in the past. That's why the BLM has issued a new Public Lands Rule that emphasizes its role in ensuring healthy landscapes for the benefit of the public.

This rule makes clear that while our public lands will continue to support multiple uses--like grazing, mining or drilling--conservation is a use that's as important as any other. We love that it emphasizes the role of robust data, local input, and the needs of tribal communities in shaping how the agency will make land management decisions. New tools like land health assessments and restoration leasing can also help bring balance to our public lands at a time of unprecedented threats.

As a community of people who care deeply about our lands and want to be able to recreate on and enjoy them for generations to come, thank you for showing your support for this rule, now let's thank the BLM.

Today we celebrate. Tell BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning thank you for supporting the Public Lands Rule.