How A Historic Winter Is Impacting Colorado’s Summer Recreation Morgan Tilton|July 19, 2019 A wet, cold spring triggered dense snow and late-season avalanches across Colorado. The winter’s aftermath is affecting adventures statewide.
Shifting Focus Miranda Webster|July 18, 2019 How two REI employees embraced the unknown to prioritize bikepacking and their proximity to the outdoors.
Refugee Youths In Seattle Make Connections Through Climbing Kade Krichko|July 16, 2019 In a potentially lonely new city, a rock climbing program offers empowerment and relationships.
Second Phase of Mountain Goat Removal Project Underway Anna Callaghan|July 15, 2019 The second phase of a plan to remove all the mountain goats from the Olympic Peninsula begins this month. Here's what recreationists need to know.
Outdoors For All: Plus-Size Climbers Challenge Stereotypes Colleen Stinchcombe|July 11, 2019 For plus-size climbers, finding gear that fits and feeling represented within the community can be challenging. Here's how they're changing that.
How To Make Your Next Road Trip Greener Nick Davidson|July 10, 2019 From properly inflating your tires to swapping hotels for campsites, there are plenty of ways to reduce the environmental impact of your next road trip.
The Trust for Public Land: How to Solve the Problem of Park Access Diane Regas|July 8, 2019 Diane Regas, president and CEO of The Trust for Public Land, weighs in on the disparity of park access nationwide and what can be done to adress it.
Why Yoga for Kids Is on the Rise Brianna Randall|July 3, 2019 From mat time for babes to high school meditation programs, mindfulness for kids is more prevalent than ever. Here's why.
Her Name is Grace Megan Michelson|July 1, 2019 Western States Endurance Run has adopted a new policy for runners who are transgender. They created it in part to welcome one runner in particular: Her name is Grace Fisher.
The Complicated Story Behind Bike Helmet Safety Julie Brown|July 1, 2019 Why ensuring bike helmet safety is trickier than you might think—and what one lab is doing about it.
Ayesha McGowan Is Having Her Best Season Yet Julie Brown|June 27, 2019 The path to becoming the first African American female professional cyclist is anything but straightforward. How Ayesha McGowan continues to push toward her goals and big dreams.
What Happened On Everest This Year: The Big Picture Charlotte Austin|June 25, 2019 I summited Everest this season—and there’s more to it than what we saw in headlines.