What’s the Difference Between an External Frame Pack and an Internal Frame Pack? Ken Knapp|July 2, 2018 External frame packs look very different from internal frame packs. Learn the pros and cons of each design so you can decide which is right for you.
Putting the Colorado Trail on the Map Betsy Welch|June 29, 2018 In 1990, Jerry Brown became the first person to bikepack the Colorado Trail. Ten years later, he returned on his bike to survey the trail and make the map that everyone—hikers and equestrians, too—uses on the trail today.
How Much Does It Cost to Hike the Appalachian Trail? Aer Parris|June 19, 2018 Learn the true cost of hiking the Appalachian Trail with our comprehensive guide. Plan your budget and make the most of your adventure.
Gear Review: Osprey Eja 58 Pack Shelby Carpenter|May 29, 2018 Backpackers looking to enjoy their time in the wilderness face a perennial question: What’s more important, having comfortable gear or lightweight gear? Osprey has finally created a lightweight, women-specific pack that maintains comfort for a range of load weights: the Osprey Eja 58.
The History of the Backpack Aer Parris|May 17, 2018 This year marks our 80th anniversary. We’re celebrating by going back in time, to trace the history of the modern-day backpack, a history slightly older than we are.
How Much Does It Cost to Hike the Pacific Crest Trail? Ken Knapp|May 1, 2018 Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is a major financial commitment. Get tips on how to create a budget that’s realistic for your thru-hike.
Everything You Need for Your First Backpacking Trip Aer Parris|April 23, 2018 Backpacking for the first time can feel daunting. What tent should you get? How many pairs of socks should you bring? Which water filter is the best for the job? We have quite a bit of experience, and thought we should tell you what we’ve learned the hard way. This is everything you need for your first trip.
Big Agnes Debuts New Tiger Wall Tent & Sleeping Gear Aer Parris|February 9, 2018 Lighter, comfier, better. It’s the gear we want this season Big Agnes is a company obsessed with getting you outdoors in comfort. The new...
How to Stay Warm in a Sleeping Bag Ken Knapp|January 26, 2018 Even a quality sleeping bag can use a little help. We offer tips on how to prevent heat loss, along with ways to add a little warmth to your bag.
How to Pack for a Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike Aer Parris|January 16, 2018 Learn the ultimate guide on how to pack for a Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike. Get expert advice from REI to make your journey a success.
How to Gear Up and Get Your Kids Started Camping and Backpacking Michael Lanza|December 5, 2017 Hard-earned, age-specific tips from parents for camping and backpacking with kids, including what kind of gear to bring. Learn more on the Co-op Journal.
Fastest Known Mom Shawnté Salabert|November 14, 2017 Record-setting long-distance hiker Jennifer Pharr Davis slows down to help bring families outdoors—including her own.