10 Trails You Can Run Right Now Laura Bauer|February 21, 2017 Because we're ready to hit the trails, weather be damned. It still might be cold in certain parts of the country, but we want to run. Whe...
What’s in a Professional Runner’s First Aid Kit? Alexi Pappas|February 21, 2017 Stay prepared on your next run with a professional runner's first aid kit. Discover the essential items to pack and stay safe on the trails. Read more on REI's blog.
Training Tips for a Pain-Free Return to the Trails Monica Prelle|February 21, 2017 Return from the off-season stronger and faster. Though most of us have a hard time stepping away from the trails when they're covered in ...
8 Pros Share Their Best Trail Running Tips Morgan Sjogren|February 14, 2017 From fuel to attitude, here's how the pros stay motivated to train and crush come race season. If you want to run farther or faster—or ju...
Myth: You Shouldn’t Have Sex the Night Before a Race Corey Buhay|February 14, 2017 Discover the truth about sex before a race and how it can impact your performance. Read our expert insights on REI's blog and improve your running game today!
How One Trail Runner Helps the NPS Study Wildlife Monica Prelle|February 7, 2017 Now more than ever, efficiency plays a vital role in conservation efforts. Keith Boden suits up in a lightweight long sleeve shirt, pants...
How to Run Past 50—and Keep on Going Corey Buhay|February 3, 2017 If age is just a number, distance can be, too. Billy Simpson pretty much embodies the “youth has no age” approach to running. The 10-time...
Please Stop Stretching and Rolling Your IT Band Dr. Dane DeLozier|January 26, 2017 Say goodbye to IT band pain with a DIY strap! Learn how to make your own and avoid stretching and rolling with this helpful guide from REI's blog.
What Makes a Trail Runner? Kristen Arendt|January 26, 2017 Forget mandatory sufferfests and distance obligations. Becoming a trail runner requires only one thing: a love for exploration. The other...
Trail Rookies Are Dominating the Race Scene Morgan Sjogren|January 23, 2017 More and more pros are trading in the track for the trails—and they're coming out on top. Sitting inside a dimly lit dive bar in Moab, Ad...
4 Trail-Running Tips From a Leadville 100 Winner Clare Gallagher|January 10, 2017 Thinking of taking up trail running, but you don’t know the second thing about it? Here are 4 trail-running tips to master.
How Trail Running Helped One Army Vet Deal with Injury and Overcome Addiction Laura Bauer|January 9, 2017 When the doctors said he could be in a wheelchair, Todd Short refused to accept it. Six days a week, Todd Short, a U.S. Army veteran, run...