One Writer’s Quest to Introduce Kids to Our National Parks Hilary Oliver|August 29, 2018 A look at Kate Siber's book, National Parks of the U.S.A., which is fiilled with facts about the national parks—from Death Valley to the Virgin Islands.
These 6 Women Are Getting More Women Into Trail Running Jess Daddio|August 23, 2018 More women are getting into trail running. And these six industry leaders might just be part of the reason why.
What the Removal of Mountain Goats from the Olympics Tells Us About Wildlife in National Parks Gemina Garland-Lewis|August 21, 2018 After roaming Washington's Olympic Peninsula for nearly 100 years, mountain goats will soon be transferred and relocated to the North and Central Cascades.
Wildfire in Glacier National Park Prompts Closures, Evacuations Michelle Flandreau|August 14, 2018 Montana’s Glacier National Park is the latest national park to be impacted by wildfires this summer, including the Howe Ridge Fire.
As California Wildfires Rage, Recreation Is Put On Hold Julie Brown|August 10, 2018 With 14 wildfires burning across California authorities have shut down huge swaths of public land. Part of Yosemite National Park is closed indefinitely.
How Shelby Farms Park is Advancing Outdoor Opportunities in Memphis Jonathan Olivier|August 9, 2018 Through a partnership with Shelby Farms Park, REI is helping to maintain the urban green space that draws millions of visitors each year.
The First-Ever Teen LGBTQ Outward Bound Trip Aer Parris|August 8, 2018 Blue, pink and white flags waved as thousands of people pressed forward into Dolores Park for this year’s San Francisco Trans March. Among those marching were seven teenagers, aged 15 to 18, and three trip leaders who were taking part in the first-ever LGBTQ Outward Bound trip.
Montana’s East Rosebud Creek Named New Wild and Scenic River Aer Parris|August 7, 2018 Stunning scenery, great trout fishing, pulse-quickening whitewater rafting and waterside recreation like hiking and climbing make Montana’s East Rosebud Creek stand out. On August 2, 20 miles of the waterway became the nation’s newest wild and scenic river.
Outdoor Art With a Purpose Mason Trumble|August 6, 2018 Sweat rolls down my forehead and into my eyes as I work to finish the final portion of my task. I am working in the hot, summer sun voluntee...
Natchez Trace Trail REI Staff|August 3, 2018 The Natchez Trace Trail follows the footsteps of some of earliest inhabitants of North America. Discover history in motion with 70 miles of trail and 444 miles of paved parkway—part of the broader Natchez Trace area.
North Country Trail (NCT) REI Staff|August 3, 2018 Tick off seven states along the North Country Trail—the longest continuous trail in the National Trails System. At 4,600 miles in length, there is plenty to discover.
Potomac Heritage Trail REI Staff|August 3, 2018 Following a waterway that shaped our young nation’s history by serving as a westbound highway for goods from eastern settlements, the Potomac Heritage Trail travels for 1,100 miles through the tidal Potomac and upper Youghiogheny River basins. Discover history and scenic beauty by following the trail by foot or boat.