Uncommon Challenge: Go Backpacking Out Your Front Door Aer Parris|September 17, 2019 As long as you’re carrying your belongings on your back, does it matter where you go? Our writer heads out for a long walk without leaving Seattle to find out.
Dog-Friendly Hikes in Colorado Kristen Arendt|September 11, 2019 Get outside and enjoy these treks with your favorite four-legged companion. We've rounded out our favorite dog friendly hikes in CO at the REI Co-Op Journal.
How to Use Bear Spray Joe Pasteris|September 10, 2019 If you’re heading out into bear country, arming yourself with bear spray is a smart move. But, be sure you know how to use it before you go.
Why These Five Outdoor Lovers Embraced Remote Work Jenni Gritters|September 9, 2019 Among the reasons? A chance to chase a passion project, a quest for better work-life balance and freedom to work from, well, anywhere.
Best Hikes in Los Angeles Liz Dengler|September 6, 2019 Escape the city and adventure into nature in one of the top trails to hike in Los Angeles. We have a list of the best hikes in LA at the REI Co-Op Journal.
Uncommon Challenge: Take a Cot Instead of a Pad Will McGough|September 4, 2019 Backpackers are hell-bent on finding the smallest, most packable mattresses, but what happens when one ultralight purist forgoes his burrito-size sleeping pad for a cot?
Are Green Spaces in Cities as Good for Us as Green Spaces in Mountains? Jenni Gritters|August 30, 2019 Research conducted in the last 10 years reveals that that urban and rural green spaces offer benefits like reduced anxiety and increased happiness.
Gillian Larson Has Completed the Pacific Crest Trail Twice, on Horseback Aer Parris|August 30, 2019 And, along the way, she’s learned that the key is meticulous planning.
The future of backpacks looks more sustainable Kelly Bastone|August 15, 2019 Backpacks may be late to the green party, but they’re finally trickling in—and their arrival promises good things for shoppers and the environment.
Roll Your Backpacking Gear Into Bikepacking Ashley Brown|August 13, 2019 Use these tips and tricks to fuel a two-wheeled overnight adventure.
DIY: How to Skip a Rock REI Staff|July 30, 2019 Learn the art of skipping rocks on water with our step-by-step guide! Impress your friends with your newfound skills. Check out our DIY tutorial now on REI's blog.
Best Swimming Holes in the Southern Appalachians Graham Averill|July 22, 2019 The South is known for its hot and muggy summers. Here are 10 of the best swimming holes to help you beat the heat in the Appalachians.