Take Your Kit from Car Camping to Backpacking Ali Carr Troxell|May 18, 2015 Slim down the car camping gear to a lightweight backpacking kit and enjoy the remoteness of hiking into the backcountry.
Weekend 1440 Project – Park Picnic #BetterOutHere REI Staff|May 13, 2015 As the weather warms, we asked our Instagram community to inspire us and share their outdoor picnic pictures.
Gear for Good Times: evrgrn by REI REI Staff|May 6, 2015 A fresh new brand of outdoor gear, evrgrn from REI celebrates the outdoors where easy comfort and great friends make the good times even better.
How to Introduce Your Indoorsy Friend to the Outdoors Jennifer Davis-Flynn|May 4, 2015 Share your passion for the outdoors and introduce a friend to hike and camp--don't forget to start slow.
REI Camps Out at Lyndon B Johnson National Park REI Staff|April 27, 2015 REI kicked off the camping season at Lyndon B Johnson National Park, Texas with REI Outdoor School, fajitas, and astronomy lessons.
Five Best Climbing Campgrounds in the U.S.A. Hilary Oliver|April 24, 2015 Climbing campgrounds near crags and rock walls allow climbers to climb faster without a long approach.
Weekend 1440 Project – Mornings Outside REI Staff|April 17, 2015 Wake up with the morning sun while on your outside adventures and get a jump start on the day.
Gear Review: Mountain Hardwear ‘s Lamina Z Sleeping Bags Matt & Agnes Hage|April 14, 2015 A couple of outdoor enthusiasts test Mountain Hardwear's new Lamina Z sleeping bags in Alaska's backcountry.
Big Agnes’s New mtnGLO Tent Series Lights Up 2015 Ali Carr Troxell|April 11, 2015 A look inside Big Agnes's mtnGLO tent series in Steamboat, Colorado.
Parents Toolbox: Tips for Making an Adventure with Kids a Success Gabe Grayum|April 9, 2015 Continue to motivate kids to be adventurous with these helpful tips.
Our Favorite April Fools’ Day Jokes by Outdoor Brands REI Staff|April 1, 2015 April Fools' Day has come again. Here are some limited time products just for the occasion.
How to Stay Warm While Camping Shelby Carpenter|March 31, 2015 Be a happy camper and follow these camping tips to stay warm while sleeping outside.