Best-Selling Outdoor Gear in 2018 (so far) Aer Parris|July 16, 2018 We’re pretty obsessed with gear—and have been for the past 80 years. And if you’re here, that means you’re also probably pretty obsessed. We’re bringing you the top purchased products across every category for the first half of 2018. If your fellow outdoorspeople think this stuff is good, we bet you will too.
Our Best Gear, According to Hyperenthusiastic Reviewers Aer Parris|July 12, 2018 Here at the co-op, we review tons of products. Some of our reviews are produced by in-house teams and subject-matter experts. Other times, we turn to you—the customer—to provide feedback. Here's a roundup of some summer 2018 customer favorites, based on extra enthusiastic reviews.
How Much Does It Cost to Hike the Appalachian Trail? Aer Parris|June 19, 2018 Learn the true cost of hiking the Appalachian Trail with our comprehensive guide. Plan your budget and make the most of your adventure.
Trailheads: Backpacking REI Staff|June 15, 2018 REI's Trailhead series follows the crew as they Getting out for your first backpacking adventure. Learn about the Ten Essentials, Leave No Trace, and other backpacking basics with Anna and Colin.
DIY Van Life: Build Your Own Kitchen and Storage Ashley Brown|May 24, 2018 This DIY features 12 easy steps that walk you through the process of building a kitchen in your adventure rig. Get ready to whip up tasty meals on the road, and then learn tips and tricks for storing utensils and other essentials to maximize space inside your van.
The REI Co-op Half Dome 2 Plus Wins Coveted Backpacker Hall of Fame Award Laura Chapman|May 22, 2018 On the 25th Anniversary of Backpacker's Editors' Choice Awards, the team behind the recommendations and evaluations you've come to depend on...
9 Ways You’re Camping Wrong Without Even Realizing It Aer Parris|May 14, 2018 After figuring out how to set camp up in under 20 minutes, cook things in the backcountry that actually taste good and manage avoiding blisters while hucking a large pack around, we all feel like backpacking experts. But you don't know it all. Check this list to discover how many things you’re doing wrong in the woods.
Everything You Need for Your First Backpacking Trip Aer Parris|April 23, 2018 Backpacking for the first time can feel daunting. What tent should you get? How many pairs of socks should you bring? Which water filter is the best for the job? We have quite a bit of experience, and thought we should tell you what we’ve learned the hard way. This is everything you need for your first trip.
DIY Van Life: How to Make a Sleeping Platform Ashley Brown|April 3, 2018 Have you fantasized about taking off on an adventure, embracing the freedom of the road and sleeping comfortably in your car, wherever your tires take you? This DIY sleeping platform will make your #VanLife dreams come true, thanks to a pullout design and room for storage.
How to Have a More Eco-Conscious Camping Trip Aer Parris|March 27, 2018 Greener camping is not too much different than greener living—it just takes a desire to do better by the planet, with a little planning.
I Would But: I Am the Only Person of Color Ambreen Tariq|February 22, 2018 Ambreen Tariq, founder of @BrownPeopleCamping, shares how she is overcoming the “minority barrier" in the outdoors and hopes to inspire others.
Big Agnes Debuts New Tiger Wall Tent & Sleeping Gear Aer Parris|February 9, 2018 Lighter, comfier, better. It’s the gear we want this season Big Agnes is a company obsessed with getting you outdoors in comfort. The new...