Hailing from the city that never sleeps, writer and adventurer Aer Parris escaped the hustle during a cross-country cycling trip and never looked back. Happiest while on endurance trips, Aer is making plans for a thru hike of the Continental Divide Trail. REI member since 2012.
As a co-op, we believe that a life outdoors is a life well lived. We’re dedicated to protecting and advocating for the lands we love, and that starts with under...
In 1965, Jim Whittaker, former REI Co-op CEO and the first American to summit Mount Everest, led Senator Robert F. Kennedy to the top of a mountain. There, they...
There is a ton of plastic making its way into our oceans every year. An estimated 8 million metric tons, to be specific. But it’s not all fishing nets, plastic ...
Climbing has grown in popularity over the last few years. For the first time ever, sport climbing will be included in the 2020 summer games. And last year, two ...
It takes just under six months for most backpackers to complete the world’s longest hiking-only footpath, but you can get a glimpse of the highs and lows of a t...
It was a sticky summer day in Mexico City, 3 days into my first trip to the country. Zona Rosa, a gayborhood in the city, was bustling and dangerously sharp hig...
Adventure travel doesn’t have to mean heading off to the next hot locale where social-media posts promise solitude and excitement. You can just as easily score ...
Dad jokes have become so commonplace that the term has even earned an entry in the dictionary: “a wholesome joke of the type said to be told by fathers with a p...
A small dirt road winds its way through open grasses punctuated by low-lying mesquite brush in a Texas field. But you’re not here for the scenery. You’ve come t...
July 28, 2019, mile 8.92: I am inside my tent’s vestibule in the front yard of my ex-roommate’s single-story, beige house in the semi-industrial part of Seattle...
A version of this story appeared in the fall 2019 issue of Uncommon Path.
The Flexlite Air story begins with a problem: how to create a camp chair that weig...