I’m just your average hiker/backpacker/dabbling cyclist/SUP enthusiast/occasional car camper. Sound familiar? If you’ve caught the multisport bug like I have, t...
With more innovative gear hitting the market every year, car camping hardly means roughing it anymore—and we mean that in a good way. We got a first look at th...
On a recent camping trip, my 4-year-old son accidentally spilled his bowl of cereal—including the last of the precious blueberries—into the dirt. His lower lip ...
If your travels take you across multiple time zones, then jet lag can be a hurdle to get over before your adventures can really begin in earnest. It’s not a dis...
I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail with one sports bra. Yes, one. For six months. Am I crazy? Probably. But that’s beside the point, which is that I searched for t...
When this final episode of Wildfire was recorded, in May of 2019, wildfire Season had already kicked in. Or, maybe it never stopped. We’re breaki...
Standing at the starting line of the Western States Endurance Run, a 100-mile trail-running race that takes place in late June in the high peaks of California’s...
Today’s episode is a deep dive into the art of cooking and eating outside, perfect to help you up your game this summer season. For many people, f...
Rhonda-Marie Avery, aka "Batgirl" was born with only 8% vision and is legally blind. She has no depth perception no cones in the back of our retinas meaning no ...
It’s obvious why we wear helmets while riding a bicycle. Research shows that cycling is responsible for more head injuries than any other sport or recreational ...
Having been born without the lower part of her left arm, 26-year-old Kaitlin Heatherly had never considered her potential as a world champion rock climber, let ...
Thousands of feet below the rim, the mighty Colorado River hints at the forces that created the Grand Canyon, an unprecedented confluence of rock, water and tim...