Molly Cupka is a climber and founder of the organization Up Ending Parkinson's, a nonprofit that teaches people with Parkinson's disease to rock c...
A deceptively wise young man in Wayfarer shades once reminded us how quickly life goes. “If you don't stop and look around once in a while,” Ferris Bueller says...
Kait Boyle is an elite adventure cyclist who bikes over mountains, across deserts, and through canyons. Early on in her cycling career, Kait found...
Kristine Tompkins is one of the world's most successful conservationists. She's the president and co-founder of Tompkins Conservation, which is a ...
There’s something special about relaxing outside your tent at camp, sipping a cocktail worthy of a swanky lounge. A campground isn’t the traditional setting for...
Zach Friedley is a professional athlete who is changing the sport of trail running. Zach was born without most of his right leg, and is often the ...
In Chicago, I don’t summit mountain peaks and I don’t carry a heavy pack. My outings in nature include hikes along wood chip-covered trails at my neighborhood p...
Turns out, you can learn a lot about yourself based on the tent you choose. Here's what your camping shelter says about you.
All illustrations by Sarah N...
Chev Dixon is a skilled outdoor athlete whose life changed when he learned to kayak. He is the director of an organization called the Hudson River...
I had my first panic attack the morning I dropped my 10-month-old son off at day care for the first time. I wasn’t worried about him starting school; in fact, I...
Galen Kirkpatrick is a world class paraglider - in 2022 she was the FAI Women’s Pan-American Paragliding Champion, and in 2023 she became the over...