Welcome to Ask an Outsider. We are here to answer your most pressing questions about enjoying time outside, like how to make outdoorsy friends, tips on going No...
In May of 2022, a group of 11 climbers became the first all-Black expedition to summit Mount Everest. The team was called Full Circle Everest, and...
Allemansrätt, or the Right of Public Access, is a Swedish principle that grants everyone in the country the basic freedom to roam—that is, cycle, ski, camp, wal...
“I know that to change the narrative, you have to have a piece of the game.”
To Sidney Baptista, ownership is everything: It’s risk and reward, respect and r...
Editor's Note: We pay tribute to Lornet Turnbull, an award-winning journalist who was passionate about the outdoors and shared that love of nature with our read...
When asked what his ideal day outdoors would be, Ibraheem Basir hardly skips a beat: He dreams of the sun and surf, and time with the people he loves most. ...
Nalini Nadkarni is an ecologist who helped revolutionize the study of forest canopies. In 1980, Nalini started using mountain climbing techniques ...
I grew up looking forward to campfires on family trips. Someone was getting it going well before sundown, and we didn’t go to bed until the fire was on its last...
I heard you snicker. How could a humble neck tube inspire affection? I sneered too, once.
In 2007, Backpacker magazine asked me to test this new “multifuncti...
Conrad Anker is a legendary mountaineer and one of the most prolific explorers alive today. He has successfully ascended and completed dozens of m...
Lisa Thompson has climbed 14 mountains in the last 14 years. She has reached the seven highest summits on each continent, scaled many mountains in...
Podcast Transcript
When I talk to people about hiking in winter, the main response I get is, “But it’s so cold!” It is cold, but that’s the brilliant par...