Just weeks ago, I stood on a hill in the center of an industrial-themed bike park and was astounded. A kid on a bike turned a 360-degree flip off a ramp built i...
Because bikes. Because beer.
We all love to toast to a good ride. Here are seven towns where singletrack and craft beer reign supreme.
Marquette, MI
Way up nor...
Whether teacup or giant, sleek or fluffball, (wo)man’s best friend is always the greatest part of the trip. From tongue-out trail runs to how-is-that-comfortabl...
From fixing your form to amping up recovery, there are more benefits of running short races than you'd think.
In September, three weeks after his landmark th...
If you’re overlooking NPS units in favor of only national parks, trust us, you’re missing out.
While the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) manages 59 National P...
See you on the trails.
Last year, REI (Hiking Project's parent company) closed its doors on Black Friday to start a movement: Forgo long lines and big box de...
Editor's note: Below is an essay by Dr. Nooshin Razani at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland, California. Her research, which REI Foundation has suppor...
Have You Assembled Your Creek Rack Yet?
Boulder-based videographer Alton Richardson, takes us to Indian Creek to close out the fall climbing season and to ce...
With more than 30,000 energized students leading the way, Outdoor Nation is often described as one of the largest communities of young people mobilizing a new g...
A taste of the Centennial State's best craft brews and backcountry hikes
Colorado is a beer lover's mecca. The state boasts 284 craft breweries, or 7.3 brewe...
Because cornering is king and time is money
There was a time—before my coaching business picked up, before kids—when I could ride my pick of motocross, downh...
The annual Thanksgiving pilgrimage to Indian Creek is fall's #1 gathering. Here's how to do it right.
There are plenty of holidays that don’t also share a...