Alison Teal’s Wild Idea: To Travel the World, Win Discovery Channel’s Naked and Afraid, and Make Movies That Get People to Pay Attention to Plastic Pollution and Protecting Our Environment.
REI began as a community of climbers in search of quality outdoor gear. To this day, we keep the outdoors and its future health and accessibility at the heart o...
Editor's Note: Clare Gallagher started trail running in Thailand on whim. This year, a relative newcomer to the sport, she ran the second-fasted women's time in...
Over the past 12 years of my career as a professional snowsports athlete and ski mountaineer, I’ve spent countless long days outside in bitter cold temperatures...
When the doctors said he could be in a wheelchair, Todd Short refused to accept it.
Six days a week, Todd Short, a U.S. Army veteran, runs the trails near hi...
Ever been to a really crowded ski resort? If so, you’ve likely been that angst-ridden skier or snowboarder at the back of a slow-moving lift line wondering if t...
One year closes and another begins. This week we’ve gathered a little something for any mood: gorgeous photography, a collection of the toughest ultramarathons ...
Welcome to my adventure vehicle. Please make yourself comfortable. Oh yes, please, you can absolutely eat in here. I would just maybe suggest that you not eat a...
The renowned alpinist, ice climber, and resident badass dishes her best advice for climbing efficiently on steep ice.
At the 20th annual Bozeman Ice Festival, ...
In the spirit of documenting and preserving the beauty of America’s most remote canyons, one writer set out on a 14-day hiking and river adventure to packraft d...
What makes the Tour du Mont Blanc one of the world’s ultimate hikes? It’s 11 days circumnavigating the highest mountain in Western Europe, with awe-inspiring vi...
Oh, 2016. It was the year the Internet declared everything went wrong, the year Merriam-Webster named “surreal” their summarizing word, the year that, honestly,...