All Uncommon Path Posts

Hello, Minneapolis

Hello, Minneapolis

Misha explores Minneapolis’ tradition as a welcoming city for refugees and learns about how Huellas Latinas, a local hiking club, is building community and find...
Bikepacking, the E-Bike Way

Bikepacking, the E-Bike Way

The gravel road we’re pedaling is straight out of one of my nightmares. It’s a twisty thing, carving its way through the lush hardwoods of the Southern Appalach...
Hello, Chicago

Hello, Chicago

In Chicago, one of the leading cities for the environmental justice movement, Misha explores the Cook County Forest Preserves with Chicago Adventure Therapy (CA...
Hello, Los Angeles

Hello, Los Angeles

Misha hikes the secret stairs of Los Angeles, learns about their rich history, and talks to two local advocates who have embraced the stairs to bring nature to ...
camp cooking

The Perfect Kit for Camp Cooking

Ever since earthlings discovered the power of an open flame in transforming basic foodstuffs, we’ve been gathering to enjoy the bounty of the planet. The divers...
Hello, Nature host, Misha Euceph, riding her bike in Atlanta

Hello, Nature Podcast is Back!

Hello, Nature is back! In season 1, Misha Euceph traveled across the country to share the unknown stories of America’s National Parks. In season 2, Misha is bac...