From the Statue of Liberty standing tall above New York Harbor to Idaho’s volcanic Craters of the Moon, national monuments protect some of our country’s most pr...
Ashley Davies is a lifelong runner who's building community her own way. In 2017, she co-founded Club Seattle Run Division with the intentio...
Every year retired outdoor gear ends up in a landfill. For much of the outdoor stuff we use, this is inevitable—recycling gear at the end of its life can be dif...
Misha visits one of the best-known bike cities in the US, Portland, to explore bike equity and how it can contribute to a sense of belonging. She meets with Ale...
Shane Dorian is a legendary surfer, winning his first surf contest when he was just 11 years old. At 21, he joined the World Surf League and trave...
REI Co-op will open in Ithaca, New York in summer 2024. The store will offer a wide assortment of apparel, gear and expertise for camping, cycling, running, fit...
Misha visits her old stomping grounds, Brooklyn, New York, where she meets up with with Alison Desir and Jerry Francois to learn about their experience running ...
It was late June, and I was still skiing. Credit a lifelong obsession with the two-planked activity, and a massive winter in California’s Lake Tahoe area. More ...
Susan Casey is an accomplished journalist who's spent years writing about the ocean, and most recently, the deep sea. The deep sea generally start...
The two words a parent hates most are, “I’m bored!” When the kids are restless, no one is happy. You could have all the video games, toys and treats in the hous...
Misha attends the most historic marathon in the US to witness history in the making. For the first time in the Boston Marathon’s 127 years, the Boston Ath...
Professional climber Emily Harrington met her husband, pro mountaineer Adrian Ballinger, on an expedition 11 years ago. While their paths to becom...