All Uncommon Path Posts

Take it from Brendan Leonard

Take It From Brendan Leonard

Brendan Leonard hates running. Which is why it was surprising when he signed up for a 100-mile race with his best friend. Not only did he figure out how to run ...
Hiker wearing the ZipAll

Introducing the ZipAll

Editor's note on April 2, 2018: Alas (or thankfully?) the ZipAll isn't a real product, just a little April Fools’ Day fun. For now, the REI Co-op Sahara Convert...
Hiker on a trail

Leave No Trace in Action

The year is 2001. I am 15 years old and it is my first time visiting Yellowstone National Park. My mother stands next to me at Morning Glory Pool as we take in ...
How Your New Jacket Got Its Color

How Your New Jacket Got Its Color

When you go paddling, hiking or skiing next year, which colors will you prefer to wear—electric blue, navy, chartreuse, turquoise or pink? To a novice scanning ...