In 2019, outdoor guide Kielyn Marrone was put to the test when she competed on the TV show Alone. On the show, contestants are dropped into remote...
Summer may be peak season for visiting a national park, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only time of year to enjoy these scenic spots. While far less popula...
BONUS EPISODE from the Camp Monsters live show at the REI Flagship store in Denver, Colorado.
Join host, Weston Davis, as he shares a personal story of...
Dr. Michael Gervais is one of the world's top high-performance psychologists. He's the co-creator of the Performance Institute at USC, and he's th...
Jedidiah Jenkins is a bestselling author who embraces outdoor adventurer as inspiration for his beautiful and deeply personal work. When he turned...
With the giving season near, it’s time to make gear lists of a different sort—the kind that include gifts for the adventurous loved ones in your life. We’re her...
When I was 11, I dreamed of making it to the Olympics. I loved running at my secondary school in Twickenham, England, mainly participating in the 100 meter, 200...
One night in Fresno, California, Mateo's security camera caught strange, pale, billowy, disembodied legs walking across his front lawn. But when he looked out t...
Rachel Heaton, member of the Muckleshoot Indian tribe, with Duwamish Ancestors, led an All Native Tahoma (Mount Rainier) Climb this September with...
Sports have long celebrated winners. And in the outdoor space, winning typically means going fast. This go-quick mentality spills into many areas of people's li...
Honolulu in the late '50s was changing about as fast as a place can change. People and money were pouring in as quickly as the new jets could fly them— so no on...
Sarafina El Badry-Nance is a scientist, an author and a speaker, she's dedicated the last several years to studying the stars and is currently wo...