All Uncommon Path Posts

Outdoor Art With a Purpose

Outdoor Art With a Purpose

Sweat rolls down my forehead and into my eyes as I work to finish the final portion of my task. I am working in the hot, summer sun volunteering at an REI trail...
Natchez Trace Trail

Natchez Trace Trail

The Natchez Trace Trail follows the footsteps of some of earliest inhabitants of North America. Discover history in motion with 70 miles of trail and 444 miles ...
North Country Trail (NCT)

North Country Trail (NCT)

Tick off seven states along the North Country Trail—the longest continuous trail in the National Trails System. At 4,600 miles in length, there is plenty to dis...
Potomac Heritage Trail

Potomac Heritage Trail

Following a waterway that shaped our young nation’s history by serving as a westbound highway for goods from eastern settlements, the Potomac Heritage Trail tra...