Camp Monsters Podcast: Kids’ Edition Chelsea Davis|April 29, 2020 Keep yourself entertained with Camp Monsters coloring pages. From the legendary Tahoe Tessie to the infamous Batsquatch, there’s a monster for everybody.
Take a Page from Our Co-op Coloring Book REI Staff|April 13, 2020 For those days when you can’t get outside, this fun and meditative coloring book brings the outside to you. Get creative with the Co-op Journal!
National and State Park Closure Updates During COVID-19 REI Staff|March 31, 2020 Keep up to date with the latest national and state park COVID-19 closures on the REI Co-op Journal.
Tips for Urban Running Phuong Le|March 31, 2020 Running in your city is a great way to treat cabin fever during social isolation. Learn our tips for urban running on the REI Co-op Journal.
Easy DIY Home Bike Maintenance: How to Clean Your Drivetrain REI Staff|March 30, 2020 Easy bike maintenance is a productive way to spend some of your free time sheltering at home. Here, we show you how to clean and lube your bike's drivetrain.
DIY: Make a Hangboard for Indoor Climbing Workouts Ashley Brown|March 30, 2020 There’s nothing like a hangboard to take your climbing to the next level. Finger strength is critical for tackling difficult crimps, edges and jugs. Follow these easy steps to make your own DIY hangboard that can be personalized to fit your climbing style and routine.
How to Spend Time Outside While Social Distancing Phuong Le|March 26, 2020 Seven tips for exercising and going outdoors close to home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hikers, Climbers, Mountain Bikers Reconsider Plans Amid COVID-19 Ashley Brown|March 25, 2020 Land managers and nonprofit organizations provide updated recommendations for recreationists planning thru-hikes and backcountry adventures amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.
How to Take Your Next Conference Call from Your “Tent” Sarah Grothjan|March 25, 2020 Add a little fun to your next digital meeting with these outdoorsy Zoom backgrounds
Biking and Mining In Arizona’s Borderlands Jess Daddio|March 24, 2020 The border town of Patagonia, Arizona, exists at the intersection of two worlds: resource extraction and outdoor recreation. One Arizona couple is walking the fine line between, bringing a new 100-mile gravel race to the borderlands.
How to Cycle Indoors Kelly Bastone|March 23, 2020 What you need to know, whether you simply want to get started or are looking to elevate your game.