Behind every data point, graph slope, and quote in our annual report, there’s a story. Every day, in ways big and small, our employees, members, communities, and partners work together for the greater good and the great outdoors. Here, you’ll find our challenges, triumphs, and hopes for the future. Most of all, you’ll see the power of all that’s cooperatively possible. We hope you’ll join us on the journey.

2023 by the numbers
24+ million
$3.76 billion
in Co-op Sales
$57+ million
for Employee Retirement & Incentives
$6+ million
invested in 74 Nonprofit Partners by the REI Cooperative Action Fund
$200+ million
in Co-op Member Rewards Distributed
"I continue to believe people achieve more together than they are otherwise able to on their own."
Read this year’s letter from CEO, Eric ArtzEMPLOYEE
Change ripples from the inside out. Becoming a fully inclusive, anti-racist, and multicultural organization is how we will drive the positive change we want to see in our industry and society. And while we're not there yet, we’re proud of the progress we’ve made together.
Read our Employee Report
In 2023, the co-op launched a Career & Learning Center, revamped careers website, and more employee-centric initiatives.
Always finding ways to learn, create, and work better
Recognizing that a diverse, representative workforce requires a focus on recruitment and retention, we widened our efforts in 2023 to reimagine the employee experience, ensuring employees feel heard and supported and can thrive in the workplace.
Designed to engage employees, the Community Voices Poster series featured artists from communities represented in cultural moments through the year.
Cultivating a better culture
In 2023, the co-op expanded initiatives that better foster a sense of belonging—like our Inclusion Networks that create safe spaces for employees, learning sessions on race and racism in the outdoors, and prioritizing time and space to celebrate cultural moments beyond what’s on the typical corporate calendar.
Whether it’s through nationwide networking or grassroots passion, the co-op mobilizes with employees, members, and communities to connect every person to the power of the outdoors and engage them in the fight to protect it.
Read Our Society Report
Richard Trent, Director of Friends of Anacostia Park in Washington, D.C.
Getting to the park should be a walk in the park
In 2023, we launched Outside in 5, a community-led initiative with the goal of closing the nature gap by supporting national legislation and local projects like those led by Richard Trent: “Organizations like Friends of Anacostia Park are working with REI and the National Park Service to do everything in our power to reconnect communities to green space historically disconnected by inequitable development.”
Founders of color represent only an estimated 1% of entrepreneurs in the outdoor industry due to barriers and biases. It’s time to change things.
Accelerating the success of founders of color
In 2023, Path Ahead Ventures distributed over $2 million in investments and/or equity-free grants to 28 total brands owned by founders of color to continue to unlock the full potential of the outdoor community. And the investment goes deeper than capital. “Your network is your net worth,” says Pescavore founder Clarice Owens.
The REI Co-op Trailmade collection was designed to alleviate the feeling of fitting into a limited mold.
Driving change from first sketch to final stitch
In 2023, the co-op added new inclusive design practices that enable progress across the more than 1,400 brands we carry—including our own. “From sizing to sleeping bags, so many outcomes change as a result of listening to human stories, and though they’re focused on marginalized communities, the outcomes are better for everybody,” explains Nani V., co-op Senior Program Manager for Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI).
Solving the climate crisis requires cooperation on a whole new level—for our communities, future generations, and the long-term health of our business.
Read Our Planet Report
Our LEED Platinum-certified distribution center in Lebanon, TN, opened in 2023
100% renewable, 100% electric, 100% human
Solar panels on the rooftop. Systems that repurpose rainwater. Low water-use plants. And light—so much natural light. Every single detail of the co-op’s LEED-certified distribution center in Lebanon, TN, demonstrates what it looks like when, as DC4 Director of Operations Scott Jones puts it, we build “around what we stand for.”
In 2023, almost 53% of our sales came from products with at least one preferred sustainability attribute.
Going further together with our partners
Throughout 2023, we continued to help brands of every size tackle climate action in ways that work for them, from workshops to toolsets. “REI’s reporting becomes an impetus, a lens and filter to think about our sustainability,” says Sven-Saw President, Linnea Sewnson Tellekson.
High-efficiency cookstove that cuts fuel consumption in half compared to a regular charcoal stove
Embracing new methods, blazing global trails
In 2023, we invested in clean energy systems where we manufacture product, from stateside to worldwide. And we collaborated with our partners at BioLite to finance the production of clean cookstoves for communities in sub-Saharan Africa—advancing our carbon neutrality commitment while fostering better health outcomes and equity around access to clean air.
LEARN MOREHow We Measure Progress
As one of the largest players in the outdoor industry, we recognize that to drive the change we want to see, we must start from within the co-op. We are committed to becoming a fully inclusive, anti-racist, multicultural organization, and this commitment guides our policies and practices.
Our ESG Scorecard allows us to transparently track our progress against key performance indicators across environmental, social and governance topics.
This is our annual assessment that covers social, environmental and REI practices. Of the 750+ brands we assessed, REI Co-op came out on top among many of the world’s leading outdoor brands.